Friday, October 7, 2011



So my life has exploded in the past three days. Again, I am exhausted so this will be short.

#1. I got a job. My first career. As an RMT finally!! (two long years of work and I get here) I was literally shaking after that phone call.... this is what stress and anxiety do.

#2. I bought a car. My first car. An adorable little silver VW bug with a sunroof and tinted windows... I love my sunroof... ahhhh :) Best summer car ever, and I will definitely get the chance to enjoy it where I'm going.

#3. Due to the job I am moving. My first apartment. On the beach! Yes I am moving to Huron country and will be living 8 minutes away from a beach. Problem is, the apartment is being rented out by a very nice paramedic who is almost never there, but my parents hate the idea because it's a guy who is twice my age. After talking to the guy I feel ok with the situation. They are going to have my head. Am I going to do it anyways? Probably. It's the only apartment in the area that really suited all my needs. But I'll have to tell him in the next couple of days or so.... Big decision.

So yea! I've heard that people take the three steps outlined slowly - one at a time. Nope! All or nothing baby! Do it all! At the same time! Yes!!!

I'm crazy. And yet, I am still here, very excited, slightly nervous, but here and happy none the less. I have my best friend's approval (actually he says it's about time I get out of my parents' place) and that's all I really need right now. So to anyone who is going through any or all of the 3 big life steps above, good luck. You'll do great. My real advice, don't do them all at once. I'm an idiot. Yay for adventure.

Don't die ;)
~ SilverPheonix

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