Thursday, September 29, 2011

Walk the Line

Annnnnnd on that note I'll get away from the mushy stuff for a while ;)

Alright, I have 15 minutes before my class starts again. I would like to explain a very incredible concept to you, simply because it is too amazing to not share.

Within the human body there is a natural mechanism that allows disturbed tissues to reset themselves. There are three stages these tissues have to go through in order to get back to normal: a balance point, a still point and the release. I want to demonstrate this through an illustration.

Tell me there hasn't been one time in your
 life when you feel like this....

Imagine a rope, stretched across two pillars. You are about to step out onto it, and walk to a point in the middle. You are a tightrope walking acrobat and are about to perform a flip. There comes a point where you stop on the rope, and sway. Forward. Backward. Right. Left. You are trying to find a balance point, that singular place where you can hold a position without tension pulling you one way over another. Once you've found your balance, you hold, perfectly still. Seemingly no movement. When in fact you are moving a lot! You're just moving against every force so that you appear motionless. You are simply building energy. You let it build, and build, and build till you crouch, and release the energy into the jump.

Now imagine you're muscles doing the same thing. When you engage a muscle to a certain point of tension it will start moving and wriggling beneath your grasp, searching for the balance. Once it finds that point everything will “stop”, but you can feel the energy within the tissue mounting. The muscle will give a final pull in, then melt into the release.

Understand this principle, and you can understand the first step in osteopathy. (If you don't understand, that's ok too haha)

So cool!

True Love?

Continuing on from my previous post, remember the guy at the end? The second one that was doing the same thing to the girl? So the whole issue around him is that he's currently “getting over” his ex who left him about a month ago, and now my friend is considering moving two hours away from him. She'd like to see the long distance relationship happen, he wants freedom. (See the problem?)

Well, I am in Toronto for the next five days for school, living with my cousin and her roommate. The roomie came home late last night and was contemplating going to McD's, so I did her the favour of distracting her with conversation to keep her away from the golden arches. In doing so, she started telling me about this guy she met a few weeks ago. “I'm crazy about him. I'm in love. I've found the one. I've only felt this way once about someone.” Those are some of the phrases she opened the conversation with. She told me all about how they like the same things, they're in the same field of work, how physically close they... have... been... (I like being PG ;P)

The first night they were together particularly touched me. They are both into music, so after a gig they worked together she invited him back to her place. The were jamming, her on her acoustic, him on the electric playing through her computer. They were sitting facing each other, chairs almost touching, legs in between each other, just playing. So beautiful. So pure. Just expression. That was what really started the wheels turning.

That was three weeks ago. At this point she also went into a detailed description of what their wedding would look like.

Want to know the real kicker? She lives in Toronto. He lives in Windsor. THAT IS 4 HOURS AWAY!!!!! They will drive two hours each and meet in London for a night. Otherwise they will do some gigs together and hang out then. AFTER THREE WEEKS OF KNOWING EACH OTHER!! They are already that committed.

I almost started crying. Because I immediately thought back to this guy, whom my friend has known well and been close to for a year and a half, who, as soon as my friend says, “I might be moving,” immediately loses interest.

How genuine is this world, eh?

Spread the Love

Monday, September 26, 2011

Lucky in Love

You know, it's funny how humans are so stupid? Even under oath... as soon as emotions get involved *POOF* Reason... Gone... Just like that!

For example, not this ring, but the ring before it was very symbolic. (This one was too, but just a different story) The girl who owns it told me the story behind it once. She fell in love with a man. He said he liked her - enough to try dating, or something of the like. They were together, but not. Never actually dating. Wherever they went they constantly clarified that they were "just friends". It killed her every time she had to say that. "Just friends." What could be worse than that when you're in love? This went on for a few months, till he took her aside and told her about the other night, when he was out with his friends, and kinda asked this girl out on a date. The girl didn't know what to say, except, OK. They were just friends, and he had made no commitment to her. There was nothing else she could do except wait it out.

She did, and nothing came of the date. Things continued on. Still friends. Boundaries were being pushed though... he was very good at that. Getting what he wanted without the responsibility of commitment. Then he started pushing her and her boundaries away. Confused, she approached him about it and he said that he, "had met someone". No details. No names. Yet again she was in the awkward position of a "friend with benefits", unable to tell him off. She felt like she was being cheated on, but she wasn't. She wasn't with him in the first place.  Poor girl, she just turned around and handled it as maturely as possible. It broke her heart, but her only thought was to get him back. (Right, they weren't together yet...)

Things took a turn for the worse with him. He confided in her about his girl. She was doing the same thing to him that he was doing to my friend. Karma, he said. "If you knew full well that a relationship wouldn't work, would you still go for it anyways?" ... "What do you think I'm doing with you?" She couldn't help thinking... "Yes". Where was this going?

A couple months later he was back.
Just long enough to really lead her on.
Then say it would never happpen.

There were two things that really stuck with her - two things that she watched for in every man after him. He never said, "I miss you," and, although he could engage in primal sexual experimentation, he would never kiss her. She could remember twice him kissing her. The first time was the day he said he liked her, the second on the day he said they would never be together. Cruel irony, no?

So she bought her ring. Simple. Strong. Something tangible to remind her of the pain she never wanted to go through again. Funny enough, the next guy she fell for did the exact same thing (luckily for him it was on a considerably smaller scale).

The question she keeps asking me is: is it the guys she's falling for? Or something inherent in her that attracts those guys? I say a bit of both, but what do I know :P

Luck in Love

Saturday, September 24, 2011


So as I sit, waiting for my parents to clue in that we haven't eaten yet and need to leave in 20 minutes, I'm going to write. (I'm also waiting for a theatre to be built in my city for Dragons of Atlantis, but that's unimportant)

It's very hard to concentrate on my writing when all I can hear from the other side of my bedroom door is my baby brother screaming as loud as he possibly can, intermittently throwing a few, "No no no no no NO NO NO!!!!!"'s in there.... -_- Can you imagine studying with that? (20 sec to theatre completion)

Speaking of studying, that's something I haven't done a lot of this week, and I have my first exam on Thursday when I go back to school. Great. From what I hear there is a lot of material in this section of General Osteopathic Treatments (Techniques), yet the principle behind each technique is the same. One of these days I will dedicate an entire blog to my osteopathy and "science", but not now. Sick and explaining osteopathy do not go well together.

Alright, they've finally clicked in that we need to leave. I will end it there and hopefully get some new material after this afternoon :D


P.S. I got some wonderful new stuff and an idea for a "do this every day for a month" blog to start in October :D Yay!

Friday, September 23, 2011

First Blog Post :D

♫ This, This is the definition of timeless - This is incredible at it's finest ♫

Very true. I'm keeping it short tonight because it's quarter to midnight and I have studying to do still... but as a first "getting the hang of it" blog post I'd like to comment on this song I heard the other day. "Good Life" by One Republic. It's a very inspiring song... the first time I heard it I was in the middle of my college finals and stressing about life, the universe, and everything else along with it, and a friend told me to a) take a break then b) listen to this song. The lyrics calmed me instantly. "We're young enough to say Ohhh this has gotta be the good life, this could really be the good life" Yes we are! It doesn't matter who you are, how old you are, or what your story is... we are always young enough to say this... it can always be the good life.

The good life isn't about what you have, it's about how you live. Your attitude. For example. The highstrung stressed out person gets easily agitated and is rarely happy. When the GPS takes you down that unfamiliar road, do you freak out because you're not in control? You don't know the route so it's automatically wrong? Or do you sit back and enjoy the amazing winding forest road in the fall and realize this beautiful landscape has been in your backyard for years undiscovered by your own eyes? Both people are in the same car, taking the same route, with the same GPS - one is hating life, the other enjoying every minute of it.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is the choice is up to you. You don't have to be having a bad day. You're making it a bad day because that's the way it's supposed to be in your mind. Change your mind, and you change your life :)

Enjoy the Good Life!!
~ SilverPheonix