Thursday, September 29, 2011

True Love?

Continuing on from my previous post, remember the guy at the end? The second one that was doing the same thing to the girl? So the whole issue around him is that he's currently “getting over” his ex who left him about a month ago, and now my friend is considering moving two hours away from him. She'd like to see the long distance relationship happen, he wants freedom. (See the problem?)

Well, I am in Toronto for the next five days for school, living with my cousin and her roommate. The roomie came home late last night and was contemplating going to McD's, so I did her the favour of distracting her with conversation to keep her away from the golden arches. In doing so, she started telling me about this guy she met a few weeks ago. “I'm crazy about him. I'm in love. I've found the one. I've only felt this way once about someone.” Those are some of the phrases she opened the conversation with. She told me all about how they like the same things, they're in the same field of work, how physically close they... have... been... (I like being PG ;P)

The first night they were together particularly touched me. They are both into music, so after a gig they worked together she invited him back to her place. The were jamming, her on her acoustic, him on the electric playing through her computer. They were sitting facing each other, chairs almost touching, legs in between each other, just playing. So beautiful. So pure. Just expression. That was what really started the wheels turning.

That was three weeks ago. At this point she also went into a detailed description of what their wedding would look like.

Want to know the real kicker? She lives in Toronto. He lives in Windsor. THAT IS 4 HOURS AWAY!!!!! They will drive two hours each and meet in London for a night. Otherwise they will do some gigs together and hang out then. AFTER THREE WEEKS OF KNOWING EACH OTHER!! They are already that committed.

I almost started crying. Because I immediately thought back to this guy, whom my friend has known well and been close to for a year and a half, who, as soon as my friend says, “I might be moving,” immediately loses interest.

How genuine is this world, eh?

Spread the Love

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