Monday, September 26, 2011

Lucky in Love

You know, it's funny how humans are so stupid? Even under oath... as soon as emotions get involved *POOF* Reason... Gone... Just like that!

For example, not this ring, but the ring before it was very symbolic. (This one was too, but just a different story) The girl who owns it told me the story behind it once. She fell in love with a man. He said he liked her - enough to try dating, or something of the like. They were together, but not. Never actually dating. Wherever they went they constantly clarified that they were "just friends". It killed her every time she had to say that. "Just friends." What could be worse than that when you're in love? This went on for a few months, till he took her aside and told her about the other night, when he was out with his friends, and kinda asked this girl out on a date. The girl didn't know what to say, except, OK. They were just friends, and he had made no commitment to her. There was nothing else she could do except wait it out.

She did, and nothing came of the date. Things continued on. Still friends. Boundaries were being pushed though... he was very good at that. Getting what he wanted without the responsibility of commitment. Then he started pushing her and her boundaries away. Confused, she approached him about it and he said that he, "had met someone". No details. No names. Yet again she was in the awkward position of a "friend with benefits", unable to tell him off. She felt like she was being cheated on, but she wasn't. She wasn't with him in the first place.  Poor girl, she just turned around and handled it as maturely as possible. It broke her heart, but her only thought was to get him back. (Right, they weren't together yet...)

Things took a turn for the worse with him. He confided in her about his girl. She was doing the same thing to him that he was doing to my friend. Karma, he said. "If you knew full well that a relationship wouldn't work, would you still go for it anyways?" ... "What do you think I'm doing with you?" She couldn't help thinking... "Yes". Where was this going?

A couple months later he was back.
Just long enough to really lead her on.
Then say it would never happpen.

There were two things that really stuck with her - two things that she watched for in every man after him. He never said, "I miss you," and, although he could engage in primal sexual experimentation, he would never kiss her. She could remember twice him kissing her. The first time was the day he said he liked her, the second on the day he said they would never be together. Cruel irony, no?

So she bought her ring. Simple. Strong. Something tangible to remind her of the pain she never wanted to go through again. Funny enough, the next guy she fell for did the exact same thing (luckily for him it was on a considerably smaller scale).

The question she keeps asking me is: is it the guys she's falling for? Or something inherent in her that attracts those guys? I say a bit of both, but what do I know :P

Luck in Love


  1. so true about emotion! As a person who has "a lot of feelings" I know my reasoning capabilities suffer often.

  2. Thanks for the comment s a m. It's unfortunate that it happens like that, but I suppose that's one of the marvelous things that makes us human


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