Friday, September 23, 2011

First Blog Post :D

♫ This, This is the definition of timeless - This is incredible at it's finest ♫

Very true. I'm keeping it short tonight because it's quarter to midnight and I have studying to do still... but as a first "getting the hang of it" blog post I'd like to comment on this song I heard the other day. "Good Life" by One Republic. It's a very inspiring song... the first time I heard it I was in the middle of my college finals and stressing about life, the universe, and everything else along with it, and a friend told me to a) take a break then b) listen to this song. The lyrics calmed me instantly. "We're young enough to say Ohhh this has gotta be the good life, this could really be the good life" Yes we are! It doesn't matter who you are, how old you are, or what your story is... we are always young enough to say this... it can always be the good life.

The good life isn't about what you have, it's about how you live. Your attitude. For example. The highstrung stressed out person gets easily agitated and is rarely happy. When the GPS takes you down that unfamiliar road, do you freak out because you're not in control? You don't know the route so it's automatically wrong? Or do you sit back and enjoy the amazing winding forest road in the fall and realize this beautiful landscape has been in your backyard for years undiscovered by your own eyes? Both people are in the same car, taking the same route, with the same GPS - one is hating life, the other enjoying every minute of it.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is the choice is up to you. You don't have to be having a bad day. You're making it a bad day because that's the way it's supposed to be in your mind. Change your mind, and you change your life :)

Enjoy the Good Life!!
~ SilverPheonix

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